July 12, 2014
Allows connecting an ID003 or CCtalk bill acceptor to a pulse protocol host board input.
On the bill acceptor side:
ID003 or CCtalk protocol(firmware selectable);
Electrical interface TTL or current loop(jumper selectable).
On the host board side:
pulse protocol, 20 to 250 pulse width dipswitch selectable;
electrical interface: open collector 12V 20 mA;
enable input active low, for pulses and billacceptor;
no other settings are required, the board use the bill table from the bill acceptor;
bill tables up to 15 channels are supported with maximum value of 5000 in major units;
disabling some note channels is possible only from bill acceptor settings (most bill acceptors have settings to disable some bill channels);
the output is one pulse to one major unit for example one EUR to one pulse;
back to back bill insert is possible , the pulses are buffered allowing inserting a second bill right after the previous bill was stacked;
the acceptor is disabled temporarily if to many bills were inserted to prevent pulses buffer overflow;
combined bill tables like EUR and $ are not supported;
tested on the following bill acceptors: Ardac Elite, WBAxx, UBAxx, Taiko, EBAxx CashCode ICT(with ID003) and NV9-10, GBA HR, ST2(with CCTalk), but any bill acceptor with CCtalk or ID003 should work.